Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm feeling like this smiley face!
haha and this is my beanie,
please don't confuse it with the one in korea!
(his is black anyway! lol)
the badge was sponsored by cordy hehe

I tricked gillyweed
ok ._.
cheap thrill lol

and this week really zoom-ed by xD
friday just came!
like that
*snaps fingers*

I saw something cool ._.

I saw this on 女人我最大 today! ^O^

do you see what I see?
I know you do!!!!
kawaii strawberries :D

are you thinking what I was thinking?
I think you are!
"what's a bunch of strawberries doing on a head?"

they are actually.... hair curlers!!!
they aren't your typical traditional hair rollers, but they work just as well
and curl your hair too!

you sort of twist your hair around this inner portion =]

and roll it up!
when you let go, it'll be secured =3= already!
no need for clips and idk weird stuff heh
and the best part?
you can sleep with them on...
because they are spongyy and thus soft!

compared to the traditional =/
ahjumma-ish rollers!

and hello! sleeping with these on...
must be horrible!
(common sense tells me so *nods*)

and hehe!
although this is exactly the same material and method...
strawberries are wayyyy cuter!
so this is out already xD

with these!
it'll be much comfortable XD
if you sleep through the night trying to curl your hair
and it looks cuter and funnier HAH!~

anyway I found a blogshop that has instocks of this lol!
they have other 女人我最大 instocks too ^^V
but, I'm broke!

I shall get this when I decide to experiment with my hair... (???)
which probably won't be anytime soon

my ulcer is hidden -______-'''
its wayyyyyyy behind and on my gum and under my tongue...
._. a well-hidden ulcer!
not seeing =/= not painful
because it hurts

I'm looking forward to sleep.

byebye july, hello august :D

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

this is a pigeon
I don't know what's the point but hurhur~
I thought it looked funny
xD hopping around randomly alone.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
— Albert Einstein

I'm glad I'm alive xD
that keeps me happy woots
life's always interesting because no other day is exactly the same!
even the littlest stuff...
if you would really spend time appreciating it ^O^

but I don't knowwww

I'm amazed by everything :O
so where do I go from there?

I'm going to do math.
it is interesting.
I just can't do it -O-'''
and that, is interesting too.

no one from my class went for twig's lesson yesterday hahahah
except for me -____________-'''
shows his popularity, doesn't it?

econs case study in the discussion room
we had like two and a half hours before p-cube .O.

I was being nice, bam.
twig didn't look too sad though haha
so maybe I shouldn't have gone either

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I look like _ _ _=]
no wonder he looked familiar -O-'''

no hair + glasses!
I did that when I was not even a year old, I knew I was cool!

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I think I was so happy yesterday because ._.
when it struck 12 , it was alexander's birthday haha
and because three ladies, coincidentally decided to praise me so much.. on the same day!
for being cute

*hides in ant's hole*

I was puzzled =/ because the librarian wasn't angry with me for the overdue-d dvd..
and instead was so amused and had thought I was a J1 and kept smiling at me.
because I was cute. (????)
well that was what she said
anyway just for fun, I'm going to use the onionhead emoticons

then my sister told me:
that's because you have a chubby face

ok bam.
I look like a bao then.

but rawr I like my cheeks xD
just dont dont dont pinch them
*shows cuttlefish balls and fishballs and chicken and mushroom balls*


and because of the loud crowing from the crow?
in the morning which startled me O_O
and xinran told me it was good luck to hear a crow crowwww though (?)
doesn't a crow cry?

that's sad bam.

but birds flying and stooping low is scary =X
don't you feel threatened?
like you'll get attacked anytime?
I know someone who's really scared of crows

so apparently I googled it, like any person of my time HAH~
there have been differing views on the sighting of a crow?
but gaaaa, it was certainly good luck for me yesterday ^O^

A crow on the thatch, soon death lifts the latch.

hahah see it sounds ominous
but -___________________-'''

I think a crow in the school's roof probably brings you good luck! ^O^
A crow on the roof, soon gloom will fly away too.

(its darn hard to rhyme roof yo~)

and I found something amusing as well.

Alexander the Great was supposedly guided across the desert by two ravens sent from heaven.
cheap thrill .O.

The Greeks said "Go to the Crows" the same way we would say "Go to Hell."
I didn't know that, not that I know any greeks.
geeks, maybe?
*points to greace's class tee*

but I'm embarrassed to say
my name's greek -_-

An Irish expression, "You'll follow the Crows for it" meant that a person would miss something after it was gone.
hmm, it's true right?
I think crows like silver, shimmering stuff
so they will collect stuff like that and you may lose them!
this. makes. sense. finally.

hmm then Square2 made me happy too

and I still think its very cool how ruth shares the same reason...as me on
why we read _________'s blog wakakaka~
a day filled with feelings and loads of emotions.

today was hahahah ok.
it was freezing, and the milk I drank screwed my tummy -O- totally.

then I banged the door into someone .O.
and hmmmmm
only 5 people turned up to do the bio remedial worksheet.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

mr alexander lee eusebio the dragon baby ^O^
eh eh eh eh~
you're 2NE1 21!

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it was a blessed day!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

I'm supposed to be.... panicky due to the approaching prelims -O-'''
and everythingggg I have to do!

I managed to complete my work due, so far ^^
so I'm feeling strangely calm and :D thankful!
y'know what I mean?
that feeling hahaha
but well if you dont get that feeling, dont think too hard ^^

hello gillyweed.
you have a pretty mouse!

that's because~
you have my mouse, I have your mouse...
we have the same mouse!

although I feel cheated T^T today due to a toot reason

I paid 2 bucks for the box LOL
and tadah! the panda's already done -O-'''

but its cute
*succumbs to cuteness*
so I dont feel bad at all hahahah just a little amused =X

I've not figured out what I'm going to do with it though!

and I finally saw ruth .____________________.
after ages hahahahah ROFL

and y'know what .O.
theres so many new awesome loots there!
totally cool stuff =X
where the cool materials meet the cool designs...
then meets the cool shop owner who brings it here!

all the wayyy from london!
so many !!! pieces lol xD
*pokes pocket*

and I've yet collected my gorgeous yam dress =/
I think I've got a fetish for materials hahahahahaha

and bummer.
all the stuff at Ruth's =O=''' are made of the finest or well, most suitable material for the outfit
that's why we love her shop xD

its therapeutic ^O^
hahah it's every girl's dream to own those pieces y'know
but hey we have to be contented with what we have!
so I'm going to settle with my purpur yam dress..
before I buy anything else LOL
if its meant to be, it will be.

the purpur yam dress fits like a glove~

I was always a decisive shopper...
until it came to her shop -________________________-'''
where there are so many things which look absolutely amazingggg
and its the first time in my life, seriously, when I had to make choices T^T

(well partly due to the fact that I'm broke HAHA)

then we went to mini sq
because gilly wanted to get her earphones xD
and thats how she ended up with pink earphones, and a pink mouse, and.. a cow
the cow's not pink though!
I have a cow too :D it's red!

and I ended up with another mickey..
but this time round, my mickey's working! ^O^

haha this was the one given to be for fun!
which is like an accessory...
it shows how.. a H2O molecule looks like wheee!

and tadah!
this. is. a. working. mickey. mouse. mp3!

its definitely cutie-sized =]
and its 2gb, can store up to 500 songs and has a battery life of 6 hours!

and I just thought that this looks vaguely similar to my ice cream phone's box...
the colours lol are all pastel colours

oh rights, the best part, guess the price x)!
29.90 :O
and it comes with the earpiece x3

then ._. when we thought our journey of good luck was ending...
gilly bought this dress at the random shop..
and the dress totally spells G-I-L-L-I-A-N.

so I was like
hello, this suits you. try!
and after a few more of...
should I? yes you should!

she tried it...
perfect. fit.
it was meant to be lol ^O^

if the dress I tried is still there when I have my moolah after yam dress...
then it really is meant to be mine!
weird logic but ohwells.

and just when I thought the day couldnt end better...
look at what I've found on a spree ._______________________________.

*points at material*
*points at batwing*
*points at potential comfy level*
*points at shockingly low price*

I'm broke.


and there are so many goodies at Ruth's that fit the bill too hahaha xD
if you're looking for batwings, off shoulders, zips, unique tops...
or wonderfully crafted skirts with vibrant colours and details (like heart buttons !!)...

I sound eggcited, because I am!
so pretty!

the small but warm shopping centre ^O^
with fantastic shopowners/keepers =]
it may be small, but its my favourite shopping mall LOL
it's perfect for shopping with friends.
there's no squeeze, no rush!
and the best part is you'll never know when you'll find something that's perfect...
and 9/10 times, you will find it where it is most unexpected or when you least expect it!
there's always an element of surprise!
if you would just spend more time walking around...

it's not just about the shopping =/
its the experience, really!
sometimes idk there are so many wonderful pieces of creations around XD
they are so pretty that I think they can actually be a form of art.
well. they are.
*bangs head*

but that's not the point.

shopping is not just about buying something you need or just because everyone has it.
shopping should be about you.
shopping should be an experience you enjoy.
shopping should be an experience between the buyer and the seller.
shopping should be a fun thing!
shopping requires patience but its all worth it!
shopping is about that feeling~
sometimes, you'll find things that are just perfect.
idk how to describe that feeling, but you'll know it if you experienced it before.
you just know it.
you just have to have it.
thats a rare feeling!

hahaha if you think you have to have everything, then..
either you have a non-existent wardrobe or you have a shopaholic problem!
but for me personally
I find the shopping experience the best yo~ in Square 2 xD
due to the wonderful people
and the wide variety of not just apparel but also random interesting stuff!

so take your time to shop.
dont shop impulsively!

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Monday, July 27, 2009

that's how the break before econs and after maths
on a monday in 2009 looks like ^O^

crazy classmates ._.
(ermx well class guys to be exact LOL)
doing funny stuff in and out of the classroom
but it wouldnt be 79 without the noise heh~

I like the way my class is =X
so hello hello we're not noisy, we're just loud.

XD my current favourite colour ^^

that's how the turquoise pen ink looks like ._.
on foolscap paper!
woots bio was hahah long but fruitful?
I sort of spent the time doing the remedial qns writing this..
since I did the remedial stuff at home!

why I like bio class ^O^
and classmates
animal biscuits last friday x]
and I got a pigeon..
random fun!

the sky.
kept changing its faces lol but they are all so pretty!

at the ct bench...

while walking back from the canteen.

dark clouds
on my way home...

it rained,

I'm going to sleep!
I survived today with 3 hours of mega-bio-ness xD

it's a great monday, really!
that's probably signaling a great week ahead!
there's so much to do .O.
but we'll survive anyway =]

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Saturday, July 25, 2009


(...) (???) (!!!)

if you've been to cineleisure for the past few weeks
and took the lifts =3= instead of the escalators to the cinemas

you might have realized that..
there's a certain cutie pie staring at you!

yepps that's him who's at the lifts!
I know he has been beam-ing but hes showing a =_= face here~
because he just got rejected x N times
:O poor thing!

lo and behold!

guess what?
the cutie pie's one of the main characters of Pixar's new film, UP
haha and the amusing thing was that *sighs*
actually I didnt realize that he was from UP

I just thought he was so kawaii lol ^^
and wanted to watch it when it comes outup!
I thought it'll be a long time before it really comes along :D
so I never really paid attention to the title..
I know that's stupid -O-'''

on the other hand,
and when I heard UP, I was like what??

well, the title doesnt give you much clue..
and it doesnt sound that interesting, right?
so I clicked on the trailer!

"isn't that the cute guy?"
hahah suddenly UP made sense to me =/

but oh well, now that Russell's in UP...
I have to catch UP hoho no matter what!
we used to refer it as the movie with the cute scout =x

this little guy here who is so adorable =3=
his name is RUSSELL yo~
*pinches his cheeks*

he's your friendly scout *points*
who's only missing one badge aka the assisting the elderly badge =]
to reach his target!
its also the reason how he got into this whole adventure xD

I think he's really an amusing character!
he seems to be bursting with energy which is probably a good contrast to...

who is an old man who doesnt want to go to the old folks' home
(just like any old person!!)
and decides to try out something ^^V and succeeds!
he decided to tie numerous, probably thousands of balloons to his house...
which he built with his wife
and fly away so no one can 'steal' his house away hahaha

he probably got his idea from this!
but well, there have been many people who flew with balloons ^O^
ever since the first person who did that on a lawnchair!
(and he survived!)
I cant imagine being that adventurous but who knows...
when I'm old and have got nothing to do.. I might!

CARL AND RUSSELL makes a great pair..
because they sound absolutely entertaining!
Carl's kind of cute too, he's like all grouchy but he gives in finally... (heh)
to the optimistic and bursting with energy Russell!
hahah the no-no-no-no- part seems fun already xD
but I think Carl's actually a kid at heart too
just that he doesnt want to show it...
and on the other hand, Russell's open to almost everything!
that makes Carl take the first step to opening up and having fun yo~

Russell ends up being =________= a stowaway on the fly-a-way house!
and thats how the two of them ended up being companions...
the most unlikely combination...
yet probably the best combination heh ^O^

that's how amazing things work out in movies and in life too...

haha I guess its called up because the house flies up, up, up!
and the adventure begins...
the journey of the fly-a-way people in the fly-a-way house

I guess since I havent watched the movie (duhz)
but the reviews online from other countries... seems :D

I want to watch!
*pokes poker*
we go watch ok?

and besides these two interesting and distinct characters x3
there's cooler stuff..
just like any animated movie..
you have to have cute animals ROFL

this is KEVIN.. not from U-kiss but just as stick thin
he's apparently 13 FEET LONG.
I'm only 4 feet 11 inches -....-

he likes chocolate and he hits off with our Russell!
but Carl the antique got a bit of shock initially...

and he froze again.
when Dug the dog, talks.

he has this high tech collar which sorts of translates his barks into words..
sounds familiar?

bowlingual =3=

but his collar has GPS tracking yo~

he's abandoned from his pack...
which only consists of Alpha, Beta and Gamma!
science-y names, no wonder he is an outcast..

he's a golden retriever!
hehe XD but I think kinkin looks cuter though but he's probably much more talkative!

the four of them become companions
on a journey of discovery...
the adventure of a lifetime!

because Russell begged Carl to accept them ^O^
his never-say-die-attitude-melts-the-old-wooden-block!

UP in Singapore Cinemas opening 7th August 2009

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I just realized that...
more than me!

its the ._. mouth I think hahaha xD
the =3= face
so the =3= face makes you look like ponyo? idk..
but ponyo has got O_O face!

haha its the glam ver of the =3= face though

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